There are a variety of roof cleaning products and methods. The first thing people ask, “Can I spray something on the roof to clean and remove moss, lichen and mold?” The quick answer is NO. Liquid or powder type roof cleaning products, might temporarily kill the moss, lichen or mold, but this leaves a base/medium for the moss, lichen or mold to return. Basically your just leaving the dirt behind for future growth. Roof cleaning products can be applied to prolong the return of the moss and mold once the medium/dirt is removed. See our Roof Cleaning Services.
If you’re looking for a roof cleaning product to remove moss, the best option is a good old wire brush and a lot of elbow grease. If you have mold, not typically found in Spokane area, a low pressure water can be used. Be careful, water pressure can damage roofing materials. If you insist on using a roof cleaning products you can try the following: Moss Out, Wet & Forget, Spray and Forget, Wash Safe Supreme, there dozens of products all will kill moss short term, typically less than a winter season.